Our Services
We at Nu Sash offer a full range of services relating to all the aspects of window installation and repairs.
Repair and Renovation
We can overhaul and draught proof existing windows of all kinds as well as replace fittings. This will give your existing windows a brilliant new lease of life as we sympathetically overhaul all the elements of the window. This can include any of the following: rebalancing the counter weight system, installing new fittings and security locks, installing draught proofing which is effective without interfering with the look of the window. We can also carry out any other remedial work such as re-glazing and repairing rotten wood or perished putty.
Replacement sashes
Here we replace the moving parts of the window (sashes), which are custom-made and fully double-glazed. They not only fit with the period detail of your property, they also offer you all the benefits of modern double-glazing: n Existing sashes replaced with our custom-made double-glazed sashes n Sashes decorated n The interior workings of the window
completely overhauled, new window furniture added and draught proofing installed. The old window frame remains in place.
Full window replacement
With this option, we replace absolutely everything and install brand new windows. We recreate the original beauty of traditional windows but use modern glazing techniques and craftsmanship so that your windows stand up to the demands of 21st century living: Every part of the window replaced like for like with New boxframe, sashes, architrave and nosing installed to match the period detail of your property. Windows fully double-glazed and draught proofed to meet building regulations and Windows decorated.
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